
As I mentioned briefly in the “About Me”, I work a lot in film as well as theatre. So here are links to different short films and some theatrical self tapes of mine, too!

I couldn’t possibly put them all on my site, but if you are interested in seeing more, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email!

  • Dream of The Burning Boy - David West Read

  • An Iliad Monologue Link

    I love this play. I wanted to explore what it means as a young woman in her 20s to narrate the origins of war rather than the traditional casting.

  • Film Scene Reel Link

    Here are some scenes from film classes I’ve recently done as well as clips from some short films.

  • Unmasked - Short Film Link

    My friend and very talented filmmaker Kate asked me to be in this film before pre-production even started. It was raining half the time we were outside, it was freezing Syracuse weather, and yet one of the best short film experiences I've had. Check out this post apocalyptic film!